James Watt started out his professional career as maker of mathematical instruments including parallel rulers, telescopes, barometers and such. While working on an astronomical instrument at the University of Glasgow his skills were so appreciated that in 1757, he was offered space to set up his workshop to repair the universities instruments.

The primary drawback of the Newcomen steam engine was the need to inject cold water into the cylinder to create the vacuum. The cold water caused the walls of the cylinder to cool down requiring additional steam injection to warm up the cylinder.
In 1763 Watt was asked to repair the University’s Newcomen steam engine. Although never having seen one before he was able to get it operating, but quickly determined that most of the steam being supplied to the engine was used to heat the cylinder after each cold water injection cycle.
By 1765 Watt determined that by condensing the steam in a separate chamber instead of the piston, and by keeping the cylinder temperature the same value as the inlet steam temperature, he realized that more energy from the steam could be converted to mechanical energy. The Watt steam engine still used saturated steam slightly above atmospheric pressure. The steam was injected into the cylinder at the bottom of the piston stroke to move the piston. On the Watt steam engine, a valve in the cylinder was opened once the piston reached the end of the stroke allowing steam to flow to a separate chamber. Water was then injected into the separate chamber to condense the steam. Later the condensing chamber was further improved by setting the condenser chamber in a cold-water tank, eliminating the need to inject cold water. Further improvements were made by collecting the warm condensate from the condenser and using it as boiler feed.
Watt further improved the design by sealing the top of the cylinder and injecting low-pressure steam into the top of the upper part of the cylinder to help move the piston down. This helped push the steam from the cylinder to the condenser chamber while increasing the speed of the engine. In 1775 these design improvement went into the first production version.

The early company made a practice of not selling the steam engines directly, instead they were given to the mine but the Watt and Boulton company charged a license fee to the engine owners based on their fuel savings over the Newcomen engine. As you can imagine many of the users of the Watt Boulton steam engines tried to stiff the company by not paying their full licensing. This resulted in multiple legal actions, making them both wealthy men.
Additional improvements to the Watt and Boulton engine occurred in later designs when the cylinders could be “precision bored” to minimize steam leakage. In addition an arrangement of steam inlet valves on the other side of the piston, allows the entrance of steam to both ends of the piston. This resulted in a double action engine, which in effect doubled the power output of the engine.

Watt continued to make improvements to the steam engine, including the flywheel governor to even out the load, and the Watt indicator to monitor the efficiency of his steam engine. Watt never stopped inventing. He developed the concept of horsepower and the SI unit of power, (the watt), was named after him. Watt pioneered the efficiency effort using improved design, among many of his great contributions.
I consider James Watt both and inventor, as well as the father of mechanical engineering. He took a rudimentary steam engine, gained an understanding of how it operated, and improved its efficiency 100 years prior to the study of thermodynamics. Not only did the Watt and Boulton steam engine do an excellent job of pumping out coalmines in England, but also its ability to bring power to any industrial process anywhere that required energy made the industrial revolution possible.
As you can see, just as today, in the 1700s there was cutting-edge technology, angle investors, patent disputes and legal action to enforce intellectual property rights. The more things change the more they stay the same.
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